Unique Features


We envision the Colosseum as a landmark the entire city will take pride in.  It doesn’t try to be quaint to the point of hiding from view.  On days that the A’s win, the facade will be lit up brilliantly like a beacon—an arresting sight all Oaklanders will enjoy.  Hey look, the A’s won today. Suddenly the entire town has a stake in the success of the A’s.

Oak Grove

It seems only right to jazz up Oakland’s stadium with some oak trees.  Situated beyond the outfield bleachers, the oak grove would be one of the most unique points of entry in the history of the game.  Imagine maneuvering through a veil of trees to stumble upon the brilliant sight of the baseball diamond on the horizon.  A sort of “field of dreams” entrance to the ballpark.


Depending on where the Colosseum is located, it may be part of a larger development project.  In such a scenario, we envision a development that is more like a medieval town than a grid city—a layout awash in idiosyncrasy.  Unassuming pedestrian alleys will wind their way to a piazza.  Bam—out of nowhere the Colosseum bursts forth.  Wow!


This will be the name of the outdoor bar nestled in the treetops of the oak grove.  The bar’s deck will include structural steel salvaged from the old cantilever span of the Bay Bridge.  A fitting tribute to the gritty, unsung Oakland span which served commuters for nearly 80 years.